“人工智能”,英语可以译为 artificial intelligence,简称 AI。例如:1. 人工智能是机器或软件表现的智能,它研究如何创造具有智能行为能力的计算机及其软件。Artificial intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software, which studies how to create computers and computer software that are capable of intelligent behavior. 2. 这位科学家说他不认为人工智能会危害人类生活。The scientist said he doesn't believe artificial intelligence will endanger human life.
“人类智能”,英语可以译为 human intelligence。例如:3.“阿尔法围棋”与李世石的历史性的五盘对弈,被视为人类智能与人工智能之间的代表性较量。The historic five-game match between AlphaGo and Lee Se-dol is seen as a representative match between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. 4. 人工智能在未来有可能超越人类智能,但是它在前进道路上有许多需要克服的巨大障碍。Artificial intelligence has the possibility to outperform human intelligence in the future, but it has many enormous obstacles to overcome on the path to doing so.
“人脑”,英语可以译为 human brain。例如: 5. 这位专家认为人类比人工智能强大得多,但是人工智能战胜人脑的日子将会到来。The expert thinks that human beings are much stronger than AI, but the day will come when AI overcomes the human brain.
“人工智能程序”,英语可以译为 AI program。
“人工智能软件”,英语可以译为 AI software。例如:6. 人工智能程序或软件“阿尔法围棋”战胜世界顶级围棋选手李世石,对人工智能是否会战胜人脑并最终征服世界,引起了热烈辩论和严重关注。The victory of AlphaGo, an AI program or software, over the world's top Go player Lee Se-dol has caused heated debate and grave concern over whether AI will triumph over human brains and eventually conquer the world.
“人工智能产业”,可译为 AI industry。例如:7. 人工智能产业作为高产值部门已列入我国“十三五”规划(2016-2020),它作为关键战略项目应得到发展。The AI industry has been listed in China's 13th Five-year Plan (2016-2020), as a highly-valued sector that should be developed as a key strategic project.
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